How Long Does A Tub To Shower
Conversion Take In Henrico, VA?

Henrico County, VA Tub And
Shower Remodeling
By JDS Bath

If you’re considering a tub-to-shower conversion in Henrico, VA, you may wonder how long the process will take. Converting a bathtub to a shower can have many benefits, including improved accessibility, increased functionality, and a modern style.

Understanding the steps that go into a bathtub conversion to a shower can help you understand how long your project might take to complete. Let’s take a look at the factors that can affect both the timeline and price of a bathtub shower conversion.

How Complex Is The Tub-To-Shower Conversion?

The type of tub-to-shower conversion you choose will play a significant role in the overall timeline. For example, companies that install prefabricated, cookie-cutter shower kits can give you a much shorter timeline than an installation with extensive tile work or custom-made showers.

There are downfalls to choosing the faster options, however. Acrylic and tile shower options like those installed by JDS Bath are not only much more stylish but are also durable, easy to clean, and built just for your home. Our team is happy to take the time to sit with you and discuss exactly what your dream shower would be.

Bathtub-To-Shower Conversion
Design And Customization

The level of design and customization you need will also impact the amount of time that your tub-to-shower conversion takes. If you choose stylishly intricate tile work, customized fixtures, or a handicapped-accessible shower, it may take more time.

These jobs require a longer timeline for planning, material selection, and installation. Working with an experienced bathroom remodeler like JDS Bath, who specializes in tub-to-shower conversions, can help speed things along while ensuring that the job is done right. We have over twenty years of experience in these jobs.

Getting Ready For Tub-To-Shower Conversions

Before we can start on your tub-to-shower conversion, there are a few steps needed to prepare the area for the job. The existing tub, tiles, and plumbing fixtures will need to be removed. We can take your entire bathroom or just the shower area down to the studs and completely rebuild it. We put your needs first.

How long the demolition phase takes will depend on the materials used to build the existing structure and how complex it is. Spaces with damaged subflooring, structural damage, or mold issues beneath the tub will take longer to prepare for a new build.

Once the demolition is complete, any necessary repairs, such as fixing underlying plumbing issues or addressing water damage, must be taken care of before proceeding to the next step. Then, we can begin work on your new bathroom space.

Other Factors That Affect Tub To
Shower Conversion Timelines

There are other factors that will affect the timeline of your tub-to-shower conversion. Each of these can enhance your bathroom but may add a bit of time to the schedule for finishing the project. These are all factored in when planning your bathroom remodeling job.

Material Selection

The materials you choose for your new shower can impact the length of time that it takes to complete. If you choose products or materials that are non-stock and are a special order item, for example, then we are at the mercy of the distributor’s schedule.

We install gorgeous and durable showers made from tile or acrylic. While tile is timeless with limitless design possibilities, installation and curing can take extra time. On the other hand, acrylic showers can be installed more quickly, creating a tighter timeline for completion.

Plumbing And Electrical Work

At JDS Bath, we are proud to have Master Plumbers, Master Electricians, Master Carpenters, BCI Certified Acrylic Installers, and Schluter Certified Tile Installers on our team. This means that we can do all of our plumbing and electrical work ourselves with no need to waste time hiring outside help.

These do take time, however. Plumbing and electrical systems may need to be adjusted, moved, repiped, or rewired. These steps cannot be rushed or skipped since they affect safety and functionality.

Extra Accessibility Features

If you need a handicapped-accessible shower, like a low or zero-entry shower, additional time may be needed for the installation process. How much longer will depend on the current construction of your bathroom.

These modifications are important for creating a safe and accessible bathing space, but they can extend the project duration a bit. JDS Bath can also install safety features like grab bars, benches, non-slip flooring, and adjustable showerheads.

Trust JDS Bath For Your Henrico, VA
Tub-To-Shower Conversions

If you are planning a tub-to-shower conversion in Henrico, VA, or are just curious about the timeline of a bathroom remodeling job in the Henrico County, VA area, JDS Bath is happy to help.

We would love to sit down with you, learn your preferences and needs for a dream bathroom, and discuss how we can create that dream for you. Give us a call today to schedule your home consultation and a free quote!
